Sign up for a membership to access all content. Supporters can access only limited posts.
New stories will be accessible to members only and will be through Google Drive. You'll need to request access thru a link.
Uploading may be delayed for ongoing stories.
If you are having issues accessing the content follow these steps:
Login using the email address you used to buy a coffee. When a post says for supporters only, click on it. Where it says "already a supporter" click log in, use the same email address you used to buy a coffee. Click I'm not a robot, a code will be sent to your email, enter the code and you should have access to all content.
Or use Buy Me A Coffee App it may solve the login Issues:
I've been told some people in certain country are having issues to buy a coffee but when they used VPN it solved the problem.
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Renee Scholtes bought a coffee.

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