Walking Tour at the Bicentennial Park in ...

Walking Tour at the Bicentennial Park in Clark Pampanga [4K]

Jan 17, 2022


Clark Air Base Bicentennial Park & Recreation Area Walking Tour. Clark Air Base Bicentennial Park & Recreation Area is a living monument to the United States of America’s decades-long tenure in Clark, having been opened in 1976 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of American independence from British rule in July 4, 1776. It was renovated by Clark Development Corporation in 2003 and, again, in 2019 to improve and modernize the facilities and amenities within the park, which includes basketball and volleyball courts, playgrounds, and picnic areas. The central Pavilion is available for rent and can accommodate up to 50 - 80 persons. It is the perfect venue for family reunions and gatherings, parties, anniversary celebrations, and other activities.

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