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Remove ads/promotions in my apps.
A hug and a handshake
Support me on a monthly basis
Remove ads/promotions from my apps
I don’t know what to call this level
Support me on a monthly basis
Remove ads/promotions from my apps
I love it when a plan...
Support me on a monthly basis
Early access to my apps
App perks, like discounted subscriptions and/or free stuff
Super mega POP!
Support me on a monthly basis
Early access to my apps
App perks, like discounted subscriptions and/or free stuff
Super mega KAPOWWWWW!
Support me on a monthly basis
Early access to my apps
App perks, like extra special discounts or just free usage
One hour consulting session with me (per month). Heck, we might even code.
What are you DOING???
Support me on a monthly basis
Early access to my apps
Lifetime discount for everything I make. Perhaps even free!
Two, one hour, consulting sessions with me (per month). Heck, we might even code.
You’re INSANE!
Support me on a monthly basis
Early access to things I make
Lifetime access to all of my apps & sites. No charge (Except this one).
Three days of my skills, just for you. (6 hours a day, so 18 hours!)
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