In a world where you can be anyone, be t ...

In a world where you can be anyone, be the spotted cow.

Aug 06, 2023

We need more spotted cows.

You know the type - the ones who think differently.

The ones who question everything.

The ones never ok with "go to" answers or explanations such as "that's just how things are".

The ones who don't conform to the world but instead intend the world conform to them.

Usually we are the most sensitive. (HSP)

The most feeling.

The most empathic and intuitive.

Even the most intense.

How else can we be living in this realm we call Earth?

Recently, on a ride, I came upon a field of cows. All of the cows looked the same - brown. They all pretty much did the same - chewed on some grass, looked around, returned to the grass munching. But there was one - white with black spots - that stood out. He looked around more - wasn't really that involved with the herd - didn't really seem to care to be honest - the one who was closest to the road - and he actually was the one cow who looked my way and observed me for more than just a glance. I braked my bike, sat on my seat, and smiling, watched and observed this cow in return.

We both stood still, observing one another. Animal and human - different species - but both rather trapped in this place - one by fences, one by money and archaic laws. A communication took place: "Don't be afraid to stand out. Be yourself."

Such a good reminder for me as I tend to vacillate between standing firm in confidence to retreating like a child. This place has not always been that friendly to me - to someone like me indeed. But I continue to STAND and affirm my Right to be Who I Wish, Who (and what) I Want and Who I Am.

We may not always have full control of experience in every moment or in the way we want - but that doesn't indicate we should stop trying.


N E V E R.


Because we are the different ones.

We are the ones who stand out - the ones who make the real difference in this otherwise rugged individualistic society of conformists.

Dare I even say - we are the ones with the most intelligence? The most courage?

Yes, I will say that.

And it's because like this spotted cow, I walk in that courage and stand out from the herd.



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