Victoria T
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Current Life Themes: Showing up in song ...

Current Life Themes: Showing up in songs and nature

Oct 15, 2024

Sometimes doing something as simple as changing a thought and building on that throughout the day leads to inner shifts that then show up in your outer experience, guiding you, nudging you to keep going. Sometimes this happens slowly - sometimes, quickly. It is my sense the ability for us to create the way we were meant to by our Creator/God/Universe is going to continue to become easier. We are in interesting times - very challenging. There's a vibe of chaos and great change. A storm you could say. Don't get lost in it. Be the observer, intending the experience you want. And remember that Love is the answer. Always. The concept reminds me of a story of a child whose area has undergone tragedy - a story we can see in current time. A very strong storm came through this town the child and his family lived in, randomly taking out a home or business while leaving behind other homes. Lives were lost. Property. The day after the storm, the child and his mama were walking around their neighborhood, assessing the damage. Having escaped the effects of the storm, the mom, while shaken to her core, was giving thanks for being spared. The child however was asking the questions children often do after such things - most of them start with the 3 letter word "WHY".

Why mama, why did the storm hurt this house but not that one?

Why did that business get damaged but the one right next door didn't?

Why did this happen?

The mom, still in a paradoxical state of grief and gratitude, had no answer, for such things there is no real answer that will not only satiate a child's confused mind much less an adult. She did, however, share this with her child:

"I don't know honey," she said, pulling her boy close. "But what I do know is that in times such as this, love is the answer."

"Huh?" the child asked, "like how you and daddy love each other?"

The mom smiled, "That's just one way love looks. I'm talking about the love we have in our hearts that motivates us to reach out and help during times like this." As they continued their walk into town, they noticed men arriving with chain saws, beginning their work in removing trees off of homes, cars, businesses, lawns. They saw neighbors unaffected bringing in food and water, blankets, hugs and comfort to their neighbors who received the brunt of the storm. They saw people - everyday people - handing out teddy bears and toys to children whose family had lost everything.

"That is the kind of love I am talking about," the mom said, removing her backpack which had been filled with candles, blankets and bottled water, placing it on a table at a makeshift donation site created by neighbors. The little boy paused, told his mom he would be right back, then walked over to the people handing out toys to the children and asked if he could help. His mama watched, smiling, feeling a tug at her heart. If ever there was a moment she could have shown her child the power of love, this was it.

We see these types of moments playing out here in the states after the latest Hurricanes. In all of the ugly and violence of such storms, we see the beauty of humanity, following the wisdom of their hearts and doing what we do best: Help out fellow human in need. People are still in need, but those who showed up continue to show up.

Today as I reflected on how crazy and unsure the world stage all looks and feels now, I was reminded through song and nature that Love really always is THE answer. It may look different for different situations, but the end result is always the same - one human helping another, saying I see you. You are not alone. You matter. And it reminds us - always - to KEEP GOING. Shine where you are for you ARE magic.

Here is what divinely flowed my way today, touching not only my life but my daughter's as well.



My girl noticed hearts on our walk showing up:

This first song started flowing through my mind as I worked to change my thoughts. I played it on our walk and as I did, the Magic song automatically played next.

Love Is the Answer - YouTube

America - You Can Do Magic (Official Music Video) - YouTube

This image inspired me of the power we all have - no matter how difficult our current trials may be - this rose growing in this hedge - poking out as if to say I AM HERE - was inspiration for me to Shine where I am. Bloom where you are. That energy ripples out.

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