Nothing really matters

Nothing really matters

Jan 23, 2020

I've written quite a few pieces on Buy me a coffee (BMC).

What do you think:

  • of the platform?
  • of the idea of tipping me for my writing?
  • and the content?

Don't be shy; I won't be offended.

I know it might seem incongruous to ask for a small donation when I'm in work but then again, it's the beginning of a journey whereby, in time, I see myself relying on BMC, Patreon and my paypal donate button to help me and my family progress towards a different life. I say my family, but it may well be that only my wife and I decide (as I very much hope) to cut the Gordian Knot on our current life and live a simpler life.

At the moment, emotionally, we're in a different place: my wife wants to retain a house whilst we travel; and I want to go all in and explore what Van Life has to offer. I know we'll find a compromise but we've a way to go.

In any event, it won't, in all likelihood, happen until 2022 by which time: (a) my youngest daughter will, I hope, have secured a place at University; and (b) I will be able to draw down a small pension which will give us, net of tax, about £8,000.

In the meantime, I will continue with my job (as will my wife -- she's a nurse) but I'm already beginning to lay a path to enable me to move into a freelance legal role, expand my coaching practice and, hopefully, make a small amount of money from my writing and online activity.

Do I see BMC being a part of all this?

The answer is unequivocal:


Of course, I've no way of knowing if it will still be around in the next few years but even if it crashes out, I'm quite sure there will be other platforms that I can migrate to.


What of the rubric to this post?

What of it?

What does it mean to you?

Am I (for instance) advocating a snake-oil headline to get your attention?


All I'm inviting, as I continue to do in my writing, is for you to consider a number of truths:

1. Everything changes -- i.e. emptiness is form; form is emptiness; 

2. The labels that we've become so attached to do not describe the thing we're pointing to; and

3. There's a universal presence (true Self) that never changes, even when we're in deep sleep.

If you consider each of those from your direct experience, what you might come to realise (particularly from your dualistic perspective) is that none of this really matters.

It can't because the moment you think you've found the secret sauce to happiness et al., it's already moved on to something else.

Do you agree?

If not, I'd love to know what you think does matter from a non-dual or any perspective.

Deep bows,



Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

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