Viking Rune stone message for April-May ...

Viking Rune stone message for April-May 2024

Apr 09, 2024

The Viking Rune stones are one of my favorite oracles to work with. They remind us about the importance of “Right Action.” They help to tune into what is likely to be our best approach or move at the time we are asking for insight

I use the stones at times in sessions and also teach classes or how to read the Runes as well. Information about this can be found on my website. I pulled a Rune for the general vibe of April and May of 2024:

 ”Rune for the week (partial quote from Ralph Blum)

Inguz: Fertility New Beginnings

"...The completion of beginnings is what Inguz requires. Drawing this Rune may mark a time of joyful deliverance, of new life, a new path. A rune of great power, receiving it means that you now have the strength to achieve completion, resolution, from which comes a new beginning. Above all, completion is crucial here. It may be timely that you complete some project now; if so, make that your first priority. Perhaps a difficult state of mind can be clarified or resolved. The appearance of this Rune indicates that you must fertilize the ground for your own deliverance.
All things change and we cannot live permanently amid obstruction. Inguz signals your emergence from a closed, chrysalis state. As you resolve and clear away the old, you will experience a release from tension and uncertainty.
You may be required to free yourself from a rut, habit or relationship; some activity that was quite proper to the self you are leaving behind...

Inguz counsels preparation. Being centered and grounded, freeing yourself from all unwanted influences and seeing the humor, you are indeed prepared to open to the Will of Heaven and await your deliverance with calm certainty."

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