Readings with Tarot cards

Aug 20, 2024

One of the services I offer is a Tarot card reading

How oracle reading sessions work with Jim Ventura:

Many people are confused about how cards, and other oracles work. The cards, stones, and other divination tools I use are packed with insight and wisdom that come from hundreds of years of acquired knowledge and healing energies within them. On their own, they can be extremely powerful tools in increasing your understanding of what is happening in your life. The authors whom I often quote in sessions, have some powerful perspectives to share. When a client works with me, I do not absolve them of the fact that their thoughts and beliefs form their reality. The cards and other oracles I work with (maps) act a a connective point between me and my clients, their higher selves, spirit guides, and other types of intuitive connections to help them see into their own creation process. Both the positive opportunities and challenging aspects of one’s present, past, and potential future experiences are highlighted. My skills in interpreting the oracles after decades and thousands of sessions with other clients combined with my intuitive abilities make the benefits of a reading even more enlightening. Working with me not only involves getting insight and clarity, but also the benefits of my healing suggestions on how to resolve difficult experiences, and to open doors to creating a more empowered and fulfilling life!

What’s an Oracle, and how do Tarot cards work??
Oracles are powerful tools which represent different culture’s perspectives on all aspects of life in our world. Oracles offer us an opportunity to get glimpses, insights, images, and ideas which will tell us about the dynamics, the “seeds,” that lie behind events and experiences in our past, present, and future. Oracles can help direct your attention toward those inner choices that may be the most important elements in determining the future. The Tarot, in particular can be a very detailed guidance system.

My Unique style of working with clients:
I am quite good at getting images and glimpses of what is probable (likely to occur) in your near and sometimes distant future. This ability is often helped tremendously when I use Tarot and other oracles in sessions. My primary goal when I work with clients is to help them see what areas are working, and what may need to be adjusted to move to a place of happiness and more success in life. I will give excellent suggestions and guidance to help you to do this during sessions. The spreads I do with the Tarot will help give you insight into your life at multiple levels. I have worked with many people and thousands of spreads over the years so my ability to guide, give insight, and help you to make a stronger connection to your Higher Self is fine-tuned.

Email is generally the best way to contact for more information and my availability calendar for booking a session (sessions can be in-office, phone, Face-Time or by Zoom.
[email protected]

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