It's a friendly metaphor, not real smoothie. Each "smoothie" is €5 and you can buy as many you like.
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Voll Nuss
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Boss Nuss
Für die echten Boss-Nüsse da draußen, die mein Herz erobern und meinen Traum auf das nächste Level bringen! 🌰👑
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Queen/King Nuss
Limited (10 of 10 remaining)
Für die majestätischen Unterstützer, die das Fundament meiner Arbeit sind. Du bist der wahre Gamechanger! 👑🌰
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About Vegan Franzi * gonut
Vegan simple & healthy recipes
I want to encourage you to try out new recipes, expand your taste palate, and change your relationship with food. The vegan and sugar-free kitchen can be so diverse, and I want to inspire you to explore that diversity.