Emergence Arts Presents Kurt Boone, Publ ...

Emergence Arts Presents Kurt Boone, Published Photographer, Artbook Publishing Workshop!

Jan 30, 2022

In Kurt Boone's Art Book Publishing Workshop you will learn the process of publishing your own book. Kurt Boone the author of over 15 independent published books. He will explain each step in the publishing process from the initial idea, manuscript development, book design, printing resources, co-publishers, sales, marketing, promotion and some crowd sourcing methods for funding your book projects. Each student in the workshop will leave with a step by step guide to publish their books.


Kurt Boone has been independently publishing books for over 20 years. and has published over 20 books. Some of his most popular titles are "Asphalt Warrior: The Story Of New York City Fastest Messenger", "Looking For Myself" Poetry by Kurt Boone, "The Culture Of Messenger Bags" and "Fresh Plywood NYC: Artists Rise Up In Age Of Black Lives Matter". His books are in many libraries including the Museum Of Modern Art Library, Metropolitan Museum Of Art Library, Schomburg Center For Research On Black Culture, Cornell University Library and others. His website is www.kurtboonebooks.com



Welcome to Emergence Arts Collective, a safe space for creatives to share resources and experiences, uplift each other through great challenges in our labors of love, and continue to inspire art and wonder into our communities.

Kelly M. Coffey is a photographer, creative healing life coach, and Founder & Director of Emergence Arts and vedhead Photography.

What has been a lifetime passion to bring arts to the masses is now my life mission. Art and photography are healing practices I’ve used to explore and realign my values and meditate, contemplate, and process life’s lessons. Art is an expression of vulnerable communications and can be used to facilitate tough, but very much needed conversations.

Art can be culinary, musical, fashion, yoga, the printed or spoken word, as well as photography, performance, dance, and film making. Art enables us to be as strange as we want, to reconstruct our ideas – the ideas of who we are, how we identify, what our relation is to the people we pass, and pave the paths ahead of us. Art is a lifeline. It helps clear the mind, spirit, and heart so as to create space for all things fresh and new. There’s power in the organized collective – Peace is the Mission. Are you ready to express yourself?

Donations are always encouraged and welcomed to help support living artists. What we do is a labor of love and often shrouded in wrong ideas that artists don't work very hard, but we do. We work extra hard to give back inspiration and hope to the world.

Please Support Living Artists by making a donation if you can. Every penny goes right back into keeping most events free, but always fun, educational, inspirational, and worthwhile! We foster safe spaces for community artists and business owners to thrive. My split goes right back into supplies for showcasing artists and galleries, mentoring & coaching artists in their careers, paid marketing, creating paid jobs and residencies for artists and mentors, and much, much more.

Anything you can do to help us rise to success is greatly appreciated!

Kelly M. Coffey





[email protected]


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