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I deserve! The awareness that came with ...

I deserve! The awareness that came with adulthood

Nov 23, 2022

Being aware that you deserve everything beautiful that happens to you in life can sometimes be harder than it seems.

The child knows that he deserves the best

When I was in America, I had kitchenware available for everything that was needed. They were ordinary water glasses, but there were also stemmed glasses for wine or other drinks. Many times I found a stemmed glass of this on the counter and I didn't understand how it got there, if I hadn't been drinking wine or had guests. Until I understood: our older child, Dante, used to drink water with such a glass. When I asked him why he doesn't choose a regular glass for water, he told me: because I like to treat myself and because I deserve it.

Another time we found ourselves on a not very pleasant street: with dirty streets, not very good-looking shops, people of the same kind. Dante told me to leave there quickly, that he doesn't like the atmosphere at all. I asked him: what if we lived on such a street? His answer: maybe you. I sure don't deserve this.

From "it's not for me" to "I deserve the best"

It took me many years to understand that I deserve good things to happen to me, to accept that I deserve to raise the bar of my expectations. I accepted with difficulty that I deserved to live in a three-room apartment, bright and tidy, that I deserved to wear a good coat even if it was not a special occasion. I'm still working on accepting that I deserve to be paid for my worth.

The limiting beliefs we grew up with

I grew up with the concept that "we are poor and there is no point in wanting more", "eating at a restaurant is a luxury we cannot afford", "hotels are for the rich", "life is for working hard ”, "money is made only with hard work" .

I grew up with a display case full of crystal glasses, beautifully colored and carved, but from which no one ever drinks. Only my brother and I used to do it secretly, when the parents were not at home. Because we, the children, deserve it . But we were not allowed to deserve such indulgences.

The cup of coffee that tells me that whatever is good is also for me

Throughout our moves I kept a set of coffee/tea cups that my mother-in-law gave me. There are saucer cups with fancy ornaments, with gold, blue. To me, it inspires indulgence and luxury. I kept and saved them because I like to treat myself.

Because from time to time I want to feel like a queen. Because every now and then I want to feel like I'm drinking my coffee in a luxury restaurant in London or Paris. Because sometimes I want to feel like I'm surrounded by opulence, even if it's inspired by a simple cup. Sometimes we need a little to feel like we have a better life .

I feel the same way about clothes and jewelry. Even if I take advantage of two or three hours of quiet in the house, when I sit down at the work table I like to dress nicely. I like to spend my day perfumed, dressed up, getting out of my pajamas and honoring the day.

I also convey to the children the idea that I deserve it. I don't tell them: I bought a cheap thing and for your LEGO I paid a lot of money. On the contrary, it is good for the child to grow up with respect for the parent and to see that the parent also respects himself. Even if I buy a coat on sale or from SH, I tell him that it's normal, that I wanted that one, not that I made a sacrifice to buy him something more expensive.

Pearls tell us that we deserve to respect ourselves

That's why I started creating jewelry with pearls . Because we deserve it. We deserve to be beautiful, to wear special jewelry at any time of the day. Pearls have something special, but they also have that aura of luxury, of opulence, of a woman sure of herself and what is good for her.

It's a long way from "I don't deserve this" to "I deserve and embrace everything that is more beautiful and better in my life". But there comes a time when the change is right before our eyes.

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