Hey 👋 You can now donate towards our VASU projects by buying me a coffee or several 😁!
We at Veterans & Supporters United including Rusty Firmin SAS & Dave Ellis thankyou for buying us a coffee or 2 this will help with our hard work whilst on the streets highlighting the Soldier A - Z plight & of course at the courts with our Veterans where it matters most
Through Banners & Flags of Support & handing out leaflets to make people aware of the injustices Op Banner Veterans face in this endless witch hunt by IRA Sinn Fein
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Brian quinn ya es miembro.
a worthy and necessary cause in which i am and have been affected by
P.M.DAVIES ya es miembro.
Worthy cause.
Elizabeth Neely ya es miembro.
i dont use my twitter account i have Facebook
Adr ya es miembro.
keep up your good work
Someone ha comprado un coffee or several .