The Retracting Storm

The Retracting Storm

Sep 03, 2020

Within the coils of the Warp itself something began to stir:

Horribly wounded, Abaddon was forced to teleport away and his surviving Black Legion forces soon followed. Back aboard the Vengeful Spirit, Abaddon ordered that the Black Legion withdraw from the Cadian system. Just as he was enacting the withdrawal Alpharius appears from thin air stabs him with the Fulgurite, both killing him physically and erasing his soul from the warp. As this happens Alpha Legion operatives simultaneously reveal themselves across the fleet, summarily executing commanders and detonating powerful explosives within ship engine rooms before teleporting away from the battlefield with a cry of “For the Emperor”. The battle-barge Alpha drops it’s optical camouflage and fires an arc like weapon at the damaged Vengeful Spirit splitting the corrupted vessel in half and raining down the debris onto the chaotic forces on the planet below.

The massive shock causes a ripple through the warp knocking back daemons from as far away as Ultima Segmentum, in accordance with the pylons activating on Cadia the Necrons under the ‘Silent King’ bring a whole network online effectively containing the eye of terror to it’s own region of space. With this several exodite worlds on the fridges of the great eye are now not only visible but certainly navigable. As a handy but also slightly alarming side effects several Hive Fleets begin to act erratic and dangerously while some even turn in on themselves.

In the Farsight Enclave, the sept begins an aggressive new expansion against human settlements long neglected by their Imperial overlords. With Ultramar otherwise engaged the Tau have been almost unopposed in their latest reach for dominance and the red armoured battlesuits deployed seemingly without end.

This is a complete contrast to the main Sept worlds on the far side of the Damocles Gulf, with the apparent shrinking of the Eye of Terror the gulf itself seems more dangerous than ever as the Immaterium seeks to bleed out into real space within the heart of the gulf itself. Whatever the true cause of this the Farsight enclaves are now beyond the sight of the Ethereals permanently ending the planned reconquest of the enclaves in the next major expansion.

On the planet of the Sorcerer's 'Magnus the Red' casts his gaze from the Tower of the Cyclops.

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