The Arena (0/4000 snails) Send your figurines in an arena to fight and earn brand new elements Big feature, it may take a while to be added, even if all snails are paid People giving snails for this feature will be able to vote/decide on some parts of the feature Petspedition (0/2000 snails) Send your figurines in expeditions to find pets, that can then be added into other figurines Big feature, i...
Community Snails Feature Rewards
May 05, 2024
124 Aufrufe
Add your pet idea in the game (30 snails) You give your idea, with or without concept art or drawing, and the name the pet will have. We discuss the idea to be sure this will not be a problem for the game (Safe for work and children, no legal problem, in accordance to the game lore, etc) I make the design / pay for someone to do it. You get to see both normal and subspecie design to give observati...
Individual Snail Rewards
May 05, 2024
160 Aufrufe
Ok, so for each 5€ donated here (with 1 time donation or membership), you get 1 snail. I'll keep track of how much each one of you have. With them, you'll be able to ask for specific features ! Like this, the money you donate will be mainly used for the feature you choose. Here is an example: You can use 40 snails to ask for a specific pet to be added into the game. -> You give me the idea yo...
Use your snails!
May 05, 2024
113 Aufrufe