How To Choose the Best International Sch ...

How To Choose the Best International School for your child in Canada

Mar 01, 2023

Moving your family to a foreign nation is an adventure, but it has difficulties. Finding an excellent international school for your kids in your new neighborhood is foremost on the list. Of course, you want your child to receive the greatest education available in a convenient setting and at a school where they will feel comfortable, make friends, and, most importantly, be happy. 

Add a new city and educational system to those requirements, and it’s understandable why many newly arrived ex-pat parents feel a bit overwhelmed by the situation. While we can't make the crucial choice about which school you should attend for you, we can provide you with some valuable information to aid you. Speaking of international destinations where you might want to settle, Canada, as you will know, is the perfect country you can choose to migrate to. If you want to migrate with your family, proper education for your child would be your top priority. In such an ideal Canadian international school is what you will be seeking. However, amidst the many options choosing the best one for your child among the many schools in Canada for international students may need clarification. 

If you are wondering how to go about the process, here are some tips to help you select the ideal foreign school in Canada: 

The application processes 

Although it might seem minor, the first item on your checklist should be how to apply to your chosen institution. Why? Many foreign schools have waiting lists, and others don't let kids enroll in the middle of the school year. So, before you get sucked into the excellent extracurricular activities offered or the outstanding test results the kids accomplish, review the application process.

Make a note of any documentation requirements and application dates, and ensure you have everything ready in advance. Foreign schools frequently request official grade reports, and the most prestigious institutions may demand that incoming students take an entrance exam. Remember that waiting lists might be lengthy; it's a fact.

So, clarify all these before you go ahead with the application process. 

Costs and Fees 

The price is a major deciding factor for many ex-pat families when selecting an international school. The bad news is that "yearly fees" do not accurately reflect the cost of enrolling your child in an overseas school if cost is a significant factor for you. Many colleges charge an extra enrollment fee for the first year, and the annual costs frequently rise with each academic year. 

You have more leeway if your company is kind enough to pay a portion of these costs. However, you should still consider the total cost each year (and per kid) and include this in your budget; certain particular schools may give a detailed breakdown for you, or you may research it yourself.

Once you have researched the same, you can compare the fee structure of different international schools and decide. 

Education and Curriculum 

The curriculum and culture of the school should come first on your list once you have identified all the international schools within your price range. Let's start by discussing languages. English is the most often used language for teaching at international schools. However, most towns also contain French lychees and even German institutions. You need to make sure a program is in place to get your kids up to speed before their start date if they need to speak English. Consider including instruction in the regional tongue of the nation and always verify that the instructors are native or, at the very least proficient speakers of the school's language.

Next, select a curriculum; the International Baccalaureate, national English, or American curricula are the typical options (plus other national ones). Smaller foreign schools only provide one course; more prominent institutions may offer two or more. Base your choice on the curriculum your kid was exposed to before the move, your potential relocation, and the location of their future university studies. The key is consistency. 


Logistics is the second most crucial issue to take into account. How far are your house and workplace from the school? How long will the commute be? Does the school provide bus transportation, or must you use the public or your vehicle? If you aren't sure where you'll be living yet, look at the typical rentals around the school neighborhood. If you must use school bus services, research the routes they run and factor them into the calculation. 


We hope by now you know the main factors you need to look into when choosing the international school for your children.

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