Support Ukrainians

Support Ukrainians

Apr 05, 2022


My name is Masha. I am an illustrator and designer from Odesa, Ukraine.

Now (and it's the second month) there is a war in my country. Time of the initial shock has passed. More and more people go back to their everyday business. But people in Ukraine can't go back to their usual life. Children, women, civilians are still dying.

I want to help Ukrainian army, humanitarian funds and volunteers with what I know how to do best — graphic art.

So I open this account to get funds to print first posters, which will tell the story about war in Ukraine on the streets of Berlin. Posters can help to keep in focus problem of violence in Ukraine.

Part of this money will be paid for printing, other I'll send to Ukrainian funds: humanitarian organisations and fund to help ZSU (Armed Forces of Ukraine).

You can donate or buy a poster — to do this in comment section leave a post address where you can receive a poster.

Poster price: 3€

Goal: 100€

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