Recent supporters bought 10 mud pie.

Susie bought 3 mud pie.
Ok, i just listened to your Mother’s Day episode, and it reminded me that I keep meaning to tell you a thing because my mother would want me to:
My mom loved peanuts from the very beginning. And because she was the sort to be a subscriber to at LEAST one physical newspaper her entire adult life, she literally probably never missed a strip from 1950 through 2000. That’s not the part she would insist on my telling you, though. Born in 1923 while her family was living in Needles, (her dad was even elected MAYOR of Needles, and salaried $1.00 a year!) her favorite character from the moment he appeared, hands down, was definitely Spike.
Spike’s first appearance in the summer of 1975 happened during an upheaval in her life as my family had just moved across country, and Spike turning up right then from Needles was such a happy thing for her! When she read that Schultz’s family also briefly lived in Needles around the same time, I believe she took that fact, coupled with her strong affinity for the strip, as proof that she and Sparky were part of the same odd karass. Every time Spike appeared or was about to appear in the strip, we all heard about it during meals. And while she was not a stuffed animal sort of person, she kept a plush effigy of her pal Spike in her bedroom, and took him on road trips she was going through the Mojave desert.
There, I’ve done my duty as a daughter today.