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The Unlearning Path- My newest book proj ...

The Unlearning Path- My newest book project

Feb 04, 2024

I've been on a pretty incredible journey these past few years, one that's led me to write "The Unlearning Path." This book is my heart on paper—it's about challenging what we've been told to believe and daring to find our own truths. It's not filled with complex terminology or abstract concepts; it's straightforward, like a chat with a good friend who's been through the wringer and came out with stories to share.

Self-publishing felt like the right path for this book because it keeps the conversation honest and unfiltered. But, to make this dream a reality, I need your help. Every contribution to my self-publishing project gets us closer to sharing this story with the world. It's not just about funding a book; it's about spreading a message that might just resonate with someone else out there who's questioning, seeking, and ready for change.

Your support means the world to me—not just the financial backing but the belief in this project and what it stands for. If "The Unlearning Path" speaks to you, or if you're curious about what lies beyond the accepted norms, I invite you to contribute. Together, we can turn this personal journey into a shared exploration, helping others navigate their paths with a little more courage and a lot more hope.

All donations of $25 or more will receive a free digital copy when published!

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