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FAQs for The Unlearning Path

FAQs for The Unlearning Path

Feb 08, 2024

1. What inspired you to write "The Unlearning Path"?

  • This book was born from my personal journey through challenges and realizations. It reflects the transformations in my beliefs and perceptions over the years.

2. Who is this book for?

  • Anyone feeling stuck in their spiritual or personal growth, questioning their long-held beliefs, or seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.

3. What can I expect to learn or gain from this book?

  • Insights into the process of unlearning, stories of personal transformation, and practical steps to embrace change and cultivate a more authentic life.

4. How can I support the crowdfunding campaign?

  • You can support by donating through the provided link, sharing the campaign with your network, and spreading the word about "The Unlearning Path."

5. When will the book be available?

  • I'm aiming for a release by April 2024, depending on the success of the crowdfunding campaign and publishing process.

6. Will there be any events or talks related to the book?

  • Yes, I plan to host a series of virtual and possibly in-person events to discuss the themes of the book and engage with the community.

7. How can I stay updated on the book's progress?

  • Follow me on tiktok and subscribe to updates through the crowdfunding page to stay informed about the book's journey and related events.

8. Is "The Unlearning Path" based on any particular spiritual tradition?

  • While it draws on a range of spiritual insights, the book is not tied to any one tradition. It's about exploring a personal path to understanding and growth.

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