Sea Slug Love

May 23, 2022

I often forget that many people are not as familiar with the underwater world as I am, As amazing as it is, and like our motto states, it deserves to be shared, we sometimes don't know where to begin with so much stunning knowledge to begin sharing...

So, we follow our heart and start with the things nearest and dearest.

NUDIBRANCH! also know as Sea Slugs!

Now if your not a scuba diver or don't know what I'm talking about or why on earth anyone would LOVE a SLUG :) let me change your day.

Introduction to Sea Slugs and Nudibranch

We have to start our Nudibranch guide  with  “It's just a slug!”  Well, soft-bodied sea slugs actually and they are members of a class called Gastropoda in the phylum Mollusca. Now, complicated names out of the way, most of the colorful ones belong to the suborder Nudibranchia aka Nudibranchs! They can be found just about anywhere in the worlds oceans but are most diverse in tropical waters. Nudibranch have very strange shapes and styles, they can be thick or flat, bumpy or smooth and long or short. Some are so tiny they measure less than a fingernail about 0.6 centimeters to much larger ones. The average lifespan of a nudibranch can vary anywhere from weeks to one year, based on the food available to them. Nudibranch are carnivores and use their radula, a band of curved teeth, to scrape or tear food particles. They feed on species such as coral sponges, eggs, hydroids and sea anemones.

Read a Guide ive been working on for a long time..

The Ultimate Nudibranch Guide :: Underwater Clicks

We also have some Nudibranch Art NFTs if you want to check them out to here
SeaSlugLove (

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