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Станьте щомісячним чарівником для українських дітей-біженців, які попри все стараються вчитися відмінно
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Незламність першого ступеня
Станьте щомісячним чарівником для українських дітей-біженців, які попри все стараються вчитися так, щоб отримати золоту медаль!
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Donor for a child with a disability
Empower a child with disabilities through the gift of education. A monthly contribution of $115 can transform lives, providing access to quality offline education with professional teachers and a supportive community of fellow schoolchildren who share the same language.
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Donor for a half-orphan child
Empower an orphan or half-orphan child through the gift of education. A monthly contribution of $115 can transform lives, providing access to quality offline education with professional teachers and a supportive community of fellow schoolchildren who share the same language.
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Donor for a military child
Empower a military child through the gift of education. A monthly contribution of $115 can transform lives, providing access to quality offline education with professional teachers and a supportive community of fellow schoolchildren who share the same language.
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Donor for a child from low-income family
Support a child from a low-income family by sponsoring their education. Your monthly donation of $145 will directly cover educational expenses, ensuring the child has the opportunity to learn offline with qualified teachers and peers who share a common language.