Artur Edamov
45 supporters

Report #1

Jun 01, 2022

I received $1850,99 and €628,64 on my PayPal account from Reddit community and from readers of

I divided all money into several payments:

1) I made the first payment for volunteers who cooked food every day for people who can't afford to buy it.

Name: Gaga Kharkiv

Total: ~1.000,00 $ USD

2) I made the second payment for volunteers who organized evacuation for people from hot spots.


Total: 1.000,00 $ USD = 29 255 ₴ UAH

3) I made the next payment for the Kharkiv volunteer team which is engaged in a free medicine delivery to people.

Name: Lina Lytvynenko

Total: 91,13 € EUR = 2.870 ₴ UAH

4) The next payment was sent to bike volunteers in one of the occupied cities.

Name: Bike volunteers (I will not provide the link for safety reasons)

Total: 300,00 € EUR = 9.338,52 ₴ UAH

5) I made the last payment for a family of 63 y.o. volunteer on a bicycle who was killed as a result of the shelling of Kharkiv.

Name: Support volunteer's family

Total: 100,00 € EUR = 3.166,60 ₴ UAH

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