Ukraine’s civilian death toll is much closer to 100,000 than 10,000 victims Media platforms keep citing the UN’s official figure of 10,000 civilian casualties in Ukraine, but even the UN admits that the real figure is “significantly higher”
What is happening here? The problem with the UN’s official data The UN’s methodology for verifying casualties requires officials on the ground w...
#41 The UN’s official data on Ukraine is incorrect. What's wrong?
Dec 10, 2023
In 1928, an official all-Ukrainian orthography was published. Five years later, Moscow murdered its authors and created new spelling rules that mirrored the Russian language. How and why did that happen? Let’s take a step back. The 1920s in Ukraine After two centuries of bans and repressions under the Russian Empire, the Ukrainian language and culture finally got almost a decade of relative free...
The story of 1933’s Soviet Russification of the Ukrainian spelling rules
Oct 14, 2023