Ryan Love
63 supporters
Update Monday

Update Monday

Feb 24, 2020

Not actually Monday yet but I'm sick and probably going to spend most of tomorrow in bed so I thought I would just post this before going to bed.
So the plan was to have the full version of 0.3 up today but due to the aforementioned sickness, I wasn't able to get it all quite done.
Good news however, I believe I have fixed a vast majority of the grammatical errors. "Hooray!"
I have also fixed the few bugs that have been reported as well as overhauled several images that I was unhappy with. No new images, just re-rendered them so they would look better.
All that's left is to add sound effects, transition effects, the opening title animations, other polish as well as the music.
As for version 0.4 It will probably focus on the shopping and then the party. If you are doing neither then there will be additional content so don't worry.
So far I have the character sprites done(Which you are in for a bit of a surprise there). I tend to render the scenes as I write them that way I can make sure the image flows naturally into the writing and I am not forcing one to mesh with the other.
I do try my best no to reuse images so given the various routes for both the shopping and the party this update might be pretty flush.

Other than that, I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and the development of this game. Be it with your subscriptions, giving suggestions, bug reports or just leaving positive feedback. It goes a long way.

So look forward to the 0.3full to be uploaded to subscribers sometime this week and the goal right now is to have v0.4beta up the first Monday in April. If I can get it done sooner than I will.

Once again thank you all so much.

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