About Twisted Roots Podcast
A weekly podcast that combines True Crime with Genealogy.
Twisted Roots is hosted by Genealogist Dale Sheldon with his friend CT Ehler. We share historical True Crime stories with the details coming straight from the original source documentation. Listen to episodes on all of the major platforms, follow us on Facebook and join in the discussion on our Discord server! You can also review the documentation for the show on our wiki based website.
Listen to the Podcast!: https://twistedroots.buzzsprout.com/
Our Wiki: https://twistedrootspod.com/index.php/Main_Page
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pHATUkGc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TwistedRootsPod
X (Twitter): https://x.com/TwistedRootsPod
Recent supporters
S1E19: On a brisk October's night in 1927, the smell of rain in the air, a fashionable young lady had recently arrived in the city of Minneapolis to attend college for piano. After finishing a long night attending to a party at the Jolly Peasant Tea Rooms, a job she had aquired only days before, she headed home. She stepped off the streetcar, just after midnight, with a mysterious youn...
New Episode: The Midnight Murder of Pearl Osten
Aug 26, 2024
In this new format episode of Twisted Roots, genealogist Dale Sheldon tells the true story of a murder within his own family. In the barn of a secluded ranch in Washington State in 1914, a man is brutally murdered by persons unknown. His wife, (and Dale's 2nd great-aunt), is put through the ordeal of a trial - her four children scattered to various households. But did she do it?&...
S1E17 - The Fainting Widow, or the Murder of Heinrich Werner!
Aug 10, 2024