À propos Twisted Listers
a true crime podcast that does a top ten list every week!
Twisted Listers is a podcast about murder... and lists! Hosted by Cindy and Diva, this podcast talks about ten cases per week, all under a common theme, and highlights the ways in which these cases interact and influence one another, as well as the world at large. From serial killers who are also great dads, to famous cannibals, this podcast has it all! Mixing true crime with a touch of levity, we shed a different light on many of the worlds most famous cases. Note: Twisted Listers contains graphic descriptions of violence and discussions of controversial political issues. The views and opinions expressed in the Twisted Listers podcast are solely those of the speakers.
Donateurs récents
Melanie Perry a acheté un coffee .
Today is my birthday and the best present I got was a new episode to listen to on my way to my horse. Thank you!! And happy early birthday Diva!
Love you ladies. Thanks for not being afraid to speak your minds.
Jordan est désormais membre.
Someone a acheté 11 coffees .
Elva Torres-Estrella a acheté 2 coffees .
Love you girls!! Keep up the good job!
vegije a acheté 3 coffees .
for keeping me entertained at work for YEARS now !!!