Tips to Study Turkish

Tips to Study Turkish

Apr 05, 2022

How you can study Turkish, really depends on your age, language background and learning styles.

However, there are general guidelines you can follow to create your own path.

  1. No Drama No Gain

    Turkish TV series are often fun to watch, especially, when you find the ones for your taste.

    To follow at least one show will help you improve your skills and will help you to learn some isolated words such as "tamam" and "bekle". One setback you might have with dramas that, if you watch a historical one for example, you may acquire some old phrases. But it is still better than learning none. So, it is recommended to company drama learning with more traditional learning styles.

  2. Just a routine

Power of routines are well known today. Set a routine for your learning. It doesn't have to involve hours of studying. It can be, "learn a word everyday", "read your dictionary on the bus", "sing Turkish songs while preparing for work"... The options are limitless. You can dedicate 5 minute everyday even while doing other tasks can help you improve gradually in time. Don't forget! A non-stop going tortoise is faster than a sleeping rabbit.

  1. Tap that app

    Have an application or two on hand to check out everyday. It can be a dictionary, phrasebook or a game. Just make sure you engage with one everyday.

  2. You need evidence!

    Sounds weird but yes. Kindles couldn't take over the books. As many things are digital in our lives, some things have to stay physical. Keep a notebook, have a small whiteboard or make flashcards... Whatever you want. But, make sure you have a physical item to aid your learning.

  3. Traditional Learning -Free style

    Watch Youtube videos, download free e-books and join Facebook groups with other people learning Turkish. Novadays Linkedin has very nice groups too. You can also benefit from free subscriptions of the learning websites.

  4. Traditional Learning -Premium

You can purchase books, have premium subscriptions of material websites. You can also have online classes and coaching services.

It is possible to keep your learning free or low cost, it is also possible to enjoy learning and have great achievements, all require motivation and dedication. You can join my coaching session to discuss the best ways for you.

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