Thank you

Nov 07, 2020

Thank you for supporting us! We are super excited about our future endeavors with the page and our followers.

Since our beginning, December 26, 2019, we have given away gift cards, pizzas, jewelry (for little girls) and had several birthday giveaways. We had an amazing Valentine giveaway where the winner received 2 gift cards: $25 Grub Hub & $10 Red Box. For Easter, we mailed 31 families over 89 big Easter eggs filled with toys and goodies. When we first started the process, we had no idea the world would be in the middle of a pandemic. Many told us afterwards, that because of lockdowns and finances, some would not have had anything for their children Easter morning.

And now for Christmas, we plan to give families with children Christmas stockings filled with goodies. So far, we have raised enough to fill 120 stockings. We would love to help more children. We would love to give more smiles.

Help us, help others the best way we know how- One smile at a time. Once again, Thank you for your support! We could not have done it without your generosity! We appreciate you.

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