Guess what I got along with a writing ca ...

Guess what I got along with a writing career?

Nov 29, 2021

A caffeine addiction.

Yep, it ain't pretty, but I regret nothing. I love coffee in all its forms.

Sometimes, as black as my soul.

Other times, light and sweet and frothy.

And everything in between.

Do you ever toss spare change or a buck or two to a sidewalk musician or performer?

I do it all the time, because I want them to know that I see them, that I respect the skill and the courage to get in front of an indifferent public and do the thing that gives them life.

That's why I write. If I could sit on the sidewalk with my typewriter and a coffee can for tips, I would be there. So this page is your chance to throw me a token of appreciation, no strings attached.

"I see you. I respect your skills and your hard work. Have a great day. And a mocha on me."

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