24 Hour Nirvana is Not What You Want.

24 Hour Nirvana is Not What You Want.

May 06, 2022



I am a self-reflector. I am continuously asking myself how I can become a more evolved human. Like many of you, I have taken up spiritual practices hoping to reach nirvana.

Why has this quest become more prevalent? Is it because we innately know that freedom is our birthright, yet instead we feel strangled?

Heck, even the United States Declaration of Independence touches on this.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Notice it says, "the pursuit" of happiness. This means we need to employ measures to get it. Happiness isn’t handed to us. It is something we strive for.

Is this where the notion of the journey is more important than the end game? After all, we all end up in a box someday, unless they burn us. Then we get to rest as ashes in an embossed silver urn, or better yet thrown to the sea like the guts of a fisher’s daily catch.

So maybe “they” are right. It is about the journey.

A Piece of My Journey

I want to share a piece of my journey with you.

About 5 years ago. I was struggling financially to where my refrigerator was empty, and there was no hope of it becoming full anytime soon. I didn’t panic because I never went hungry. With all my challenges and struggles, somehow I survived. My inner warrior knows I am tough and keeps me plugged into a secret source, so I don’t pull the trigger.

Before losing everything, my life was pretty sweet. There was the large 3 bedroom home on a ¼ acre of land. It was tucked into a cul-de-sac, making it the perfect place to raise kids.

My garden was bold. The trees were bearing fruit.

I had three incredibly adorable children, and although one was very ill, he was getting better.

I had all my basic needs met: good food, clean water, and a strong shelter, that the big bad wolf would never be able to blow down. (I know because we survived 2 major hurricanes!)

I was always aware that compared to millions of other people in the world; I was rich. Instead of looking at all the things I did not possess, I was grateful for all I owned.

But all that was gone, and on this particular day, I was lacking one of man’s basic needs- FOOD.

I decided to go to the corner market and start my day like I always did since moving into the new neighborhood. — with a cup of coffee and contemplation. I would say hello to the staff at the store, who always seemed happy to see me, then take my coffee back to my apartment balcony and soak up the morning rays,

I was extremely fortunate that my balcony faced east. I was blessed with the beauty of a new sun every day. Other people in my apartment complex stared at the parking lot. I was on the top floor, and at the very end of the building. It meant I only had one neighbor to the left and no one above me. I also had a lake to overlook. There was very little traffic on the road below, which added to the peaceful moments.

Anyone that came to my place always commented that I had the best spot in the complex. I would smile and say, “I know”. Again, I knew that I had more than others.

While at the counter of the convenience market, I placed my debit card into the processor to purchase my 16 oz. Cup of Colombian Bean juice. After implementing my PIN, I saw the words Declined. I knew my funds were low, but that low? I couldn’t even buy a $1.00 cup of coffee!

I didn’t panic. I didn’t feel distraught. Sure, I was bummed, but I also knew I had options. The property manager had a coffee machine in her office and was always eager for me to join her and chat.

I left the store and drove back home. I parked outside my apartment down below in the tree-lined street. I got out of my car when suddenly out of nowhere, an overwhelming feeling of love washed over me. It took my breath away.

It is the most difficult thing to explain. I know, as writers, it is our job to create prose that expresses emotions with colorful details of our experiences, but this is one sensation that has no words.

I have read things from others that stated the same, that it is indescribable. And now I understand.

Open to Receiving What Exactly?

After my card was declined, I felt very neutral. There was no sadness, no blame, no guilt, no shame. Perhaps I was in a state of trust, a simple knowing that all was fine. Maybe that is why I was blasted with love. I was not upset over my circumstances. I was open to receiving. I knew that miraculous moments are part of my existence.

I wish I had documented that day, but it never really crossed my mind. All I remember is I was so flipped out by this euphoria that I didn’t know what to do with it. I was alone. My kids were at their dad’s. I just kept walking around in awe and asking, what is this, what is this? WHAT IS THIS?

I wanted to tell someone, but what would I say?

I remember texting an old boyfriend. I tried to explain to him that nothing mattered anymore. Nothing! All was love. I wanted to tell him I was doing the backstroke in an ocean of freedom without a horizon. There was no beginning, no end. It just was. I wanted to run to his house and shake him. “Your misery is an illusion. Come with me. Come with me to this place”, but he would have thought I was nuts, and I did not know how to take him there.

I bet that when you see a homeless person who sings with glee in his dirty jeans and matted hair, he or she is carrying around the joy of this mystical presence that takes over any worry, sadness, and pain.

Some may call it Christ, God, The Light, Nirvana. Who the heck cares what we label it. I just know it exists.

I Want More

Every day I take time to be holy. I now know this feeling is obtainable, and I want more. I have tapped into it again on a few other occasions, but it didn’t last as long as that day.

However, I have had many paranormal manifestations occur. Boy, do I have stories!

But for now, Let's stick to that overwhelming feeling washing over you. Where no one and nothing matters but love.

On 2 occasions, when I looked up from meditation, the room was vibrating. I could see an energy wave emanating from every little thing in my environment, especially the plants. It wasn’t just an aura or white electrical field around the greenery. Waves were extending outwards from each leaf, reaching toward me. They were acknowledging my existence, stretching to touch me.

It was wild.

I didn’t know what to do except be in awe. Again, who do I tell?

I am alone when these things happen. It’s a bit of a bummer because I want someone else to enjoy this tremendous unveiling of “something beyond the ordinary”

I do recall one night when my son was inside watching T.V. I called him onto the porch to hang with me. I just wanted to be next to him. I didn’t need to tell him my “crazy” story. I just wanted him to be in the presence of the light that was pulsating from me and the room.

There has to be some healing in that, don’t ya think?

I believe, based on my experiences, that the language of love needs no words. It is a powerful force we are connected to.

Birth and Why are We Here?

Did we purposely forget our connection to this Source so we can “pursue” happiness?

Did we come from a place of eternal bliss and were bored?

As I continued to contemplate life, I thought about the process of creating a baby. We easily regurgitate shit like a sperm meets an egg and division occurs, organs are developed, yadda, yadda. But really?

What the heck? Why do we overlook this miracle? Why do we not seek the mystery of the soul’s existence?

Why do we celebrate birth, yet fear death when this is clearly an eternal process? We aren’t getting out of here in our current body. Why not examine it from a spiritual aspect and explore the possibilities of our temporary vehicles?

What are we TRULY capable of doing?

I tell no one what they should believe, and I don’t always share my beliefs because they can all change in a nanosecond. This is the beauty of not being evolved. I get to morph in and out of the density of being human. I can cry, I can dance, I can hate, and I can love. I can be a magical being if I apply myself. I can climb a mountain or sit next to a homeless man and share a cigarette. I can fearlessly jump off a cliff into an icy river. I can look into my son’s troubled eyes, and worry about his future. I have done all these and more.

I think (for now) that is why we came here. We get to experience it all, and that is the intention of the sperm pursuing the egg. It’s the beginning of a new journey.

Hang Out with Some Trees

We start as a seed, and in that tiny seed are all the instructions to sprout and expand. An oak seed knows exactly what to do if provided with its basic needs: the sun., soil and water. And just look at its mighty strength and beauty!

Are we beneath the elegance of the oak? Are we more intelligent? Are we equal? Do we share common traits?

My stories are many, but me telling you them from my keyboard won’t do them any justice. Experiencing them yourself will make you a believer.

When I reflect on my mystical travels, I realize there were 3 practices I was engaging in.1.

1. I was entrenched in reading spiritual texts (I read many)

2. Meditating

3. Spending a lot of time in nature.

So my suggestion to you is to walk in the woods in the silence of your mind. Go barefoot, hug a tree, and listen to the stories of the Elementals. I think they want you to pursue them.

Thea- Lover of all things magical.

Author of The Real Us (and we're not crazy)--- Available on Amazon

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