Hello, and Welcome to Transaction CARE!

Hello, and Welcome to Transaction CARE!

Jul 10, 2022

Hello, and welcome to my official 'buy me a coffee' page.

My name is Lillian Hernandez, and I am the owner of Transaction CARE, a premier Real Estate Transaction Coordinator service, based out of the San Francisco Bay Area and has been in business since 2018.

I began my real estate journey in 2004, when I was in college. What started off as a part time job turned full time, eventually manifested and blossomed into a full fledged business.

To learn more about my pivotal 'I QUIT MY JOB' story watch this: https://youtu.be/1vBjJhehi_s

My first two years of entrepreneurship I honestly felt like I was walking in a new building with a blindfold on. Some moments I was able to navigate myself with ease, other moments, it was like getting to the top then being pushed all the way back to the bottom.

(Follow @transactionCARE on all social media platforms.)

After enduring and surviving my first 2 years of entrepreneurship, I was now entering my third year in 2020, I was pumped. I was on track to TRIPLE my business that year, did you hear me TRIPLE! But then, as well all experienced, March 2020 arrives and all of a sudden our worlds are flipped upside down, everything STOPS, enter the pandemic.

When I say I was scratching and clawing to stay afloat, I mean, scars, tears, uncertainty, I felt every emotion in 2020. I was hurting so much, I was ready to QUIT real estate ENTIRELY!


Now we are in 2021, and whole year later, and I was starting to feel very anxious. I had lost a huge client towards the end of the year, I was not committed to doing TC anymore. But being the ambitious and often competitive person I am, I knew I had a little bit of fight left in me to keep going.

I told myself if I was going to give Transaction Coordinating another chance then I was going to dive in ALL THE WAY, no shortcuts, no stopping unless I know 100% that I am DONE, DONE!

ladies now let's get in FORMATION

The same way I had prepared to quit my job of 14+ years, I knew I would have to change my habits once again.

I started to take business courses, I renewed my Real Estate License, and most importantly, I hired a business coach. Which eventually lead me to also joining 2 business collectives of amazing entrepreneur's.

These were the steps I needed to take to build myself back up, not just financially, but emotionally and mentally.

Things are beginning to turn around and shift, I have A LOT more CONFIDENCE in life, my motivation is through the rough, and now I am more committed to running my business than before.

It was all mindset and still is, but with any type of growth, we have to make adjustments, and this was mine.

Now 2022 is approaching, and now I'm starting to revisit an old idea I had about creating a YouTube channel for Transaction Coordinators. Initially I thought, 'ugh, that's going to be so boring, no one is going to want to listen to me talk'.

Yea, that was the devil and my insecurities holding me back from one of the BEST decisions I would ever make.

I sat with the idea and one day I did it, I set up my camera, sat at my desk and just started talking.


Something clicked for me at that moment, and that's when I knew I was on to something amazing.

My original mindset was all about ME, when I made the show about OTHERS, thats when it all began to flow.


I finally found my 'happy medium'. I enjoy being creative, filming, and educating.

Bringing value to others and sharing my almost 2 decades worth of experience to make the next persons journey a little quicker and easier was a no brainer.

Which is what has lead me to creating this BUY ME A COFFEE page, a safe place for those truly serious about a career in Real Estate as a Transaction Coordinator.

So, if you made it this far and choose to join my CARE Community, I THANK YOU SO MUCH! I truly means a lot to me to help you, and many others, as best as I can.

I do have 1 favor, please browse my page, let me know what you think, and what exclusive content you would like to receive from me?

Exclusive content, merch, and much more on the way.


Your Time is Worth It, Let's Coordinate!


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