...a decade(ish) later, back to using a lappie to blog. I first purchased a MacBook laptop circa 2009, when I brought it along to my trips to Thailand and Jakarta. It was bought specifically to "celebrate" being recognised as a "blogger", and being invited to these events overseas! I was still freelancing in the media industry then, and could afford such a luxury, to be able to indulge in such a p...
... And here I am again,
Mar 24, 2021
285 Visualizaciones
...knee-deep frantic and feeling kinda helpless, as my desktop is essentially D.O.A., sitting silent beside me now, somehow mocking me with it’s black-screen, a faint reflection of my said-frantic self looking longingly back at the lil’sh*t, who sits silently still. I would’ve taken a selfie to post here, if I weren’t so pathetically wearing a sweat-stained singlet, but that’s just a pos...
And here I am...
Mar 22, 2021
212 Visualizaciones