KT in Suwon on the 5th

KT in Suwon on the 5th

Dec 01, 2023

Head coach Yeom Kyung-yeop reported the recent situation of Ham Deok-ju, who went down to the second division to recover from fatigue to prevent injuries.

Ham Deok-ju was excluded from the first-tier entry on August 29. It was not because there were special injuries, but as a precaution against injuries. At the time, coach Yeom said, "It's not because of the injury. Perhaps because he threw a lot of innings, he seems to be slow to recover. He explained, "I told him to take a rest as a precaution because it was not good recently." He said he would call up after 10 days of re-registration.

However, coach Yeom said of Ham Deok-ju on the same day, "I played catch ball after five days off, but my elbow is still a little uncomfortable." "We will return with more time to rest more safely," he said.

"It doesn't help if you come in a state of poor resilience. Then, if you get hurt, it could be a problem until the postseason. Greed may lead to greater losses. It's a season where I haven't thrown much for a while but I threw a lot. You have to go safely. "I'll throw it (once) from Futures," he explained.

Ham Deok-ju has pitched in 57 games this season with 4 wins, 4 saves, 16 holds and a 1.62 ERA. He is the No. 1 hold in the team. He pitched 55 innings. Compared to the last two years, he has played many innings.

Ham Deok-ju, who was traded from Doosan to LG in 2021, had only 21 innings in 16 games due to an elbow injury in the 2021 season and 12.2 innings in 13 games due to minor injuries in the 2022 season. This year's pitching innings are the most since 67 innings in 2018. After completing the 2021 season, he underwent surgery to remove bone fragments from his elbow and succeeded in making a comeback this season.

Lee Min-ho pitched as a starting pitcher in the Futures League game against the Goyang Heroes at LG Champions Park in Icheon on the 5th and pitched 77 pitches in six innings with three hits, no outs, seven strikeouts and no runs. He has won three consecutive games. He allowed one run in 5⅔ innings, six scoreless innings, and six scoreless innings.

Coach Yeom said, "First of all, Son Joo-young will prepare to start in the double header on the 9th. "I was determined to get a report that Son Joo-young was the best in the second division," he said. "Lee Min-ho can be recommended if there is a next opportunity." Lee Min-ho said, "I heard that his arrest has recently been raised."

Left-hander Lee Sang-young, who was discharged from Sangmu and failed to start the fifth, is also playing in the second division again after correcting his pitching form. He took the mound as the second pitcher after Lee Min-ho in the match against Goyang on the same day and recorded 32 pitches, one hit, two strikeouts and no runs in three innings.

Coach Yeom said, "Lee Sang-young will continue to increase the number of pitches in the second-tier game. The speed was also up to 145 kilometers. I need a left-hander in the postseason. There should be at least one left-handed pitcher who throws a fast ball. I will prepare as a starter and throw once at the end of the season. "You can use it whether it's a starter, a long reel, or a bullpen based on the pitch," he explained.


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