2021 - A Year of Growth & Gratitude

2021 - A Year of Growth & Gratitude

Dec 02, 2021

When I discovered Buy Me a Coffee, I thought it would be a great solution to help people with small requests or issues where a formal invoice isn't required - I was right. To my 21 initial supporters, I can't thank you enough for your generosity.

2021 has been a year of personal growth for me. It's been my highest year for gross revenue and I am continuing to explore additional services and offerings as part of my side hustle work.

What has been working well for me?

Fiverr - Custom Shipstation packing slips and I plan to add more Duda website services in 2022
Shipstationtemplates.com - Premade Shipstation packing slips ready for download and installation
Aynimedia.com - My web design agency that is solely focused on Duda websites
Dudatemplates.com - We provide 3rd party Duda website templates (newest project)

Overall, it's been a fun year to explore. My YouTube channel also hit 1,000 subscribers and I really would like to spend more time on creating video content, it's just been difficult to balance everything.

If I can help with Shipstation packing slips, website design, hosting, or support, keyword research, on-page SEO, SEM, or other related services - please don't hesitate to reach out. I've supported small businesses for 5+ years and have worked for digital agencies as a freelancer all over the world.

In total, I've been working in the IT and software world for 20+ years now. If there is something I may be able to help you with, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you!!

Twitter: @ThomasConnery

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