Hi! My name is Tom Buck, a lifelong A/V nerd and former high school Digital Media teacher. I started my YouTube channel in 2017 and my podcast in 2019 as projects to share my enthusiasm for everything related to audio and video production.
It's my goal for everything I make to be interesting/helpful/atleastmildlyentertaining, but I'm an enthusiast and not an expert. You can take a look at my About page to know more about my background, both personally and professionally.
Recent supporters

Someone bought a coke zero.

Herb fillyaw bought 5 coke zero.

MarkThomasBuilder bought a coke zero.
Thank you Tom for showing us how you organize all of that! I'm inspired to tackle my AV gear and be more efficient in my workflow.

bruce-weinberg bought 5 coke zero.
Thanks for continuing to be you and sharing your knowledge with the online community.