Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta $5 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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Every dollar counts
There are no special benefits to doing this and I'm somewhat baffled by the choice.
Support me on a monthly basis. There are no special benefits to doing this and I'm somewhat baffled by the choice.
Behind the scenes
Five dollars a month feels like a lot.
There are no special benefits to doing this and I'm even more baffled by the choice.
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There are no special benefits to doing this and I'm even more baffled by the choice.
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Are you quite alright?
Is this like a kink thing? Because I assure you that I'm offering literally no benefits beyond this pithy remark.
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I will be very grateful and equally baffled.
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100 a month is too much.
This is grossly unnecessary. I am writing this mostly as an in-joke for myself fully not expecting anyone to do this. I'm committed to the bit but this level of subscription is confusing for me.
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I'm really not offering anything... this is an odd way to spend $100 to get nothing for your money
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This is a joke right?
At $500 a month I will continue to offer literally nothing. I am, for sure, writing this as a gag that someone might get a minor chuckle at and I would genuinely panic if it came to pass.
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I'm seriously still offering nothing.
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Nobody is doing this
This amount of excess cash would be actually life-changing for me. The past couple years have been rough.
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Acerca de Todeswind
I write fanfiction. I am writing regardless of your choice to donate money to "buy me a coffee" but enough people have asked that I'm going to make it possible to do so.