"Made for This Birth" podcast & an Inspi ...

"Made for This Birth" podcast & an Inspiring YouTube Video!

Dec 07, 2022

Mary Haseltine of "Made for This Birth" & author of "Made for This: A Catholic Mom's Guide to Childbirth" shared with us all of her wonderful insight about incorporating spirituality into birth! I am beyond excited about this podcast episode! Definitely worth the listen!

I am also beyond excited about this YouTube video! I was privileged to attend Jessica's home birth. It was SO long, VERY emotional, and INCREDIBLY rewarding!

Jessica was a first-time mom who knew she wanted a home birth for many reasons. Her labor started 48 hours before her baby was born. I was & my doula-in-training were there for 30-ish hours of it. And it was worth EVERY second!

Jessica was so patient with her body. She cried a few times, rested lots, nourished her body, & waited. Then, when she decided to do some movements to encourage her baby to get into a better position, her labor picked up!

Pushing was long because her baby girl was OVER 10 LBS, but she said it was worth every second & she is extremely happy she chose home birth!

Let me know what you think of both of those by commenting on this post or the posts on our social media page!


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