Why I’m Writing This Book

Why I’m Writing This Book

Sep 13, 2024

Welcome, friends! I'm excited to share with you a glimpse into my new book, What Remains—The Places of Yesterday. This project is close to my heart; it is a reflective and philosophical journey into the traces we leave behind—both in the digital world and the physical spaces we've inhabited.

This book will resonate with anyone who has ever wondered how much of our past truly stays with us and how we rewrite those memories as we move forward.

What's the Book About?

What Remains - The Places of Yesterday explores how we carry our past through memories, emotions, or even the digital footprint we leave online.

Through the book, I will touch on topics like:

  • The Digital Footprint: What do our online interactions reveal about us? How much of that digital memory is genuinely permanent?

  • Life is Too Precious: How do we balance living in the moment while preserving memories?

  • Ruins of the Past: What can physical ruins tell us about the lives and societies that came before us, and how do we relate to them today?

  • Carrying Everything We Acquire: An exploration of the emotional and mental baggage we gather over time—what should we hold onto, and what can we let go?

  • The Truth of Our Senses: How much of our past is shaped by our perceptions, and how reliable are those memories?

  • Sadness in Our Memories: Why do specific memories come with loss, and how do we reconcile that sadness with growth?

  • What Stays Are Memories: Even when the physical remnants fade, what part of the past remains with us?

  • Rewritten Over Again: How do we continuously reshape and redefine our memories as we grow?

This isn’t just about the past—it’s about how the past lives on in us, how we process it, and how we move forward.

Most of this will change as I write the chapters, but writing a book is a journey of desperation, focus and fulfilment—a ride.

Why I’m Writing This Book

Our memories shape us, but they also evolve as we grow.

This book is my way of diving deeper into that evolution, not just for myself but for my kids and anyone who’s ever questioned what remains when everything else fades. It feels that what is left in this universe is memories.

My Commitment

I want to keep you all in the loop as I write this book!

Here are a few ways you can stay connected and support my journey:

  • Buy Me a Coffee: If you enjoy the content I create and want to support me while I write this book, you can contribute through Buy Me a Coffee. Every bit helps, and I sincerely appreciate it!

  • Follow My Journey: As I continue writing, I’ll share updates, sneak peeks, and reflections on my process.

  • Join the Conversation: Do you have thoughts or questions about the book's themes? Feel free to reach out to me! I’d love to hear your perspective as I shape this project.

What’s Next?

Over the following months, I’ll share more about What Remains - The Places of Yesterday, including excerpts from the book, my writing process, and behind-the-scenes thoughts.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of this journey!

You can find me at diamantinoalmeida.com or Linkedin.

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