Acerca de tinnitist
Hearing things 24 | 7 | 365 and then writing about them.

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Orion Faruque hat ein Beer gekauft.
Hi Daryll, thanks for the support for my artist project, Orion Redwolf!!!

Someone hat ein Beer gekauft.

Samuel Brunner hat 3 Beers gekauft.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my EP "I Brush My Teeth Like I'm Losing a Fight". Enjoy your three beers :)

imtremusic hat ein Beer gekauft.
Hi Tinnitist, my new song "If You Say So" is out! Would be thrilled if you'd give it a moment here at Tinnitist. Much love!
Hopefully I can make it more than 1 Beer next time, really appreciate you!

Leanne Allen hat 3 Beers gekauft.