The Ultimate Domestic Bunny Handbook

The Ultimate Domestic Bunny Handbook

Apr 02, 2021

I'm going to be making an illustrative guidebook/picture book for house bunny care, and I need your help to make it a reality! The purpose of this book will help make learning about proper bunny care more fun than just reading straight information online, hopefully encouraging more bunny owners or potential bunny owners to be more interested in learning more about how to provide the best care for their bunnies. Even seasoned bunny owners will benefit and truly enjoy this book, as we can all always learn new ways to better the lives of our furry family members and enjoy some adorable bunny art, bunny treat recipes, haikus, and more feel-good bunny content!

As of now I have these two pages completed and would be keeping the same fun and bright style throughout the guidebook. I will be using the info that is used by many experienced rescues who have seen it and done it all, the House Rabbit Society, along with experienced smaller rescues and experienced bunny-savvy veterinarians to make sure that the info depicted is 100% safe, accurate, and the highest recommended to date. A portion of each sale of the book, once it is finished, will be going to local rabbit rescues that are in much need of resources, as well as the House Rabbit Society!

For me to be able to do projects like this that take a lot of time and energy away from my full-time work as a full-time freelance illustrator to illustrate and research properly to make this guidebook the best it can be, it would help so much to have some support in backing this book to help me help make this book possible and to get the book out there for all of us to use even sooner (let's face it, the bunnies cannot wait!). ๐Ÿ™

How does supporting me help create this guidebook for bunnies to help bunnies and bunny owners all over the world you say? For as much as a simple cup of matcha tea, you'll be helping sustain me while I spend time planning, researching, illustrating, getting published, finding distributors, as well as creating physical copies of the book. โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿฐ

If you would like to help me make this book a reality you can make any donation whether big or small below this article, become a monthly subscriber, and share this post on FB & Insta with your friends & bunny community family to get the word out, or do all three!! Any one of these options will help me increase the funding to get this book made. Make sure to follow my Instagram @dulcey4 and Facebook page Tina Schofield Illustrations for updates.

To purchase high-rez downloadable versions of these two care sheets mentioned above, visit my Etsy Shop Fields of Fluff, or become a monthly subscriber for a special discount and get even more adorable free bunny downloads and special member perks!

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