The Metascript Significance of Derrick ( ...

The Metascript Significance of Derrick (Western) Chauvin(ism)'s Name

Sep 23, 2022

The "Western Chauvinism" lauded by the Proud Boys ties into the name of Derrick Chauvinism and the ritual killing of George Floyd.

"Derrick executed more than 3,000 people in his career, including his pardoner, the Earl of Essex, in 1601. Derrick devised a beam with a topping lift and pulleys for his hangings, instead of the old-fashioned rope over the beam method. [2]

The word derrick became an eponym for the frame from which the hangman's noose was supported and through that usage (by analogy) to modern day cranes."

"The word for a device invented to make it easier to lift and lower bodies has come to mean “a contrivance for hoisting or moving heavy weights.” The following examples illustrate the Elizabethan hangman’s legacy in modern usage:

"As we left Woodall’s place, old oil derricks stretched up from platforms on the water around the Highway 42 bridge. 

 Derricks and masts are vital structural fixtures to a drilling operation. 

Construction derricks prick the skyline of every city.

The common noun derrick is an eponym." 


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