New friends and old friends.

New friends and old friends.

Sep 04, 2022

It's been a while since I reached out to all of you who have supported me through BMAC. There are only so many ways to write thank-you in the English language, so I find myself repeating it instead of coming up with new approaches. I should be more creative.

My mom always wrote the most pleasant thank-you notes to everyone who would send something, visit, or do something for our family. After Christmas and birthdays, our first task was to sit at the pine dining room table and write notes to all who took part or sent a card or a gift. It was good practice.

I noted the other day that we have had some new folks who have been kind enough to sign up to keep this machine running. New "Royal Order of Dooryard Visitors" and one time donations were on a slight increase this month. It's always a relief. Early on when I started writing the weekly blog, I realized that it was going to cost money in both time and web fees to have a "Free blog." I didn't want to require people to pay to read as it hit me as a bit egotistical to ask folks to pay to read, so I left it there as a voluntary type fundraiser. You folks have never disappointed me. I am always flabbergasted by the monthy giving that keeps this bus running .Thank you so much.

I am not being overseen by my mom's watchful eye, but I still think it's important to tell folks that you appreciate them. Thanks for making it so worth continuing to write and share in the continuing saga from the jagged edge of America.

My new book, "Dawn in the Dooryard: Reflections from the Jagged Edge of America" comes out November first. Consider pre-ordering the book at your favorite local bookstore or website. The number of pre-orders is noticed by a publisher when they determine if they will have an author back for his/her next book. I'd like to keep writing books, and you are the folks that really determine that. Thanks for considering it.

In any event, thanks for all you do for me through your kind donations to the cause. Writers make their living in weird ways, and this is one of them. Thanks for helping me do what I love to do.

I appreciate you folks.



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