12 Startups in 12 Months

12 Startups in 12 Months

Sep 15, 2021

Building 12 startups in 12 months

On the 20th of August I've started a new challenge. Building 12 Startups in 12 Months. In this challenge I will take a year and build a startup for every month in the year.

The main goal of this challenge is to create things faster and launch them. By forcing myself to publish a startup every month there's a clear deadline. Throw multiple things at the wall and see what sticks.

I was inspired by Pieter Levels who has done the challenge in the past (with success).


  1. Vidiflow - Interactive Video Software

Vidiflow is a tool where users can create interactive video overlays. This way everyone can add interactions to the videos they want to embed on their own website(s).

Currently still working on this project.

Website: Vidiflow.io
Open startup: Vidiflow Open startup

  1. Rankplaats

Rankplaats is a tool for businesses in The Netherlands that want to create local SEO pages. The tool helps them with writing spintax content that uses local data related to the city to create great content quickly.

  1. Zoekwoord.nl

    A free tool for businesses in The Netherlands for doing Keyword Research. The tool gives up to 250 keyword suggestions and their search volumes.


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