My name is Thomas, I'm French web developer mainly but touches everything, servers, bots, community management, events, social networks and moore. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music ☕
Who I am?
Developer of Mr. Robøt, Gate project. Admin of Archimède Minecraft private server. I'm French and I mainly work on Discord bots and websites.
Find me on Twitter and projects on GitHub.
Recent supporters

Sam bought 5 cappuccino.
Merci pour les tuto pour les bots discord et l'aide sur le discord :) C'est super de voir qqn d'impliqué en plus de ces tutos pour aider les débutants. Voila 5 cappucinos pour fêter ça ahah !

Andy Piper bought a cappuccino.
Thanks for all the different things you do to support others on the web!