Story Untold ZW expands ways community c ...

Story Untold ZW expands ways community can support our work

Dec 19, 2022

Let's make information more accessible to Zimbabweans together!

We're happy to announce that we've expanded the ways our community can support Story Untold ZW. In addition to engaging with and sharing our content as you already do, we now have a membership where you can directly fund our efforts to make information more accessible in Zimbabwe..

Through Buy Me A Coffee - we've opened up a $5 monthly contribution that allows our biggest supporters to directly contribute to our goal of making information more accessible in Zimbabwe. The funds from these memberships will initially be used for 2 purposes;

  1. To boost our branding & awareness efforts;

  2. *Adapting our information library to other formats to help us reach even more people.

*In the past, we've made it clear that video is just one of many formats that our content is going to exist in. Work has already started to convert our content into text as we’re working on publishing books and launching a website. These are time & resource intensive processes that we can accelerate with your support.

What’s in it for Channel Members?

Channel members who decide to take this extra step with us will have exclusive access to data from our digital marketing campaigns. This is valuable for two reasons;

  1. It allows you to have a full understanding of how your membership fee is being turned into real world impact & aiding our growth as Story Untold ZW and;

  2. Access to this data will help members looking to broaden their understanding of how to effectively serve content/products in the digital space with a set of real-world data & example campaigns that you can use a starting point to offering your own content/products online.

If you’re interested in becoming a channel member click the link below:

Thank you for your continued support

Farai Mudzingwa | Story Untold ZW Founder

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