Help support thespyinthestalls
We've always avoided running paid ads, creating mailing lists or selling you tickets. We just give you (what we hope are) lovely and honest reviews (well over two thousand to date)
Head spy was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year (thankfully not as bad as it could have been), so it is a difficult time dealing with this and keeping the site going
Several delays have meant that treatment should now hopefully start in November (a six week wait has turned into four months...)
Update 7/11/23 - home after procedure yesterday
Do get in touch for further details if you wish
Thank you everyone for your messages and support
If you have trouble with the buymeacoffee page, then please let me know
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Someone bought a coffee.

Someone bought 3 coffees.
Oh David, i know it is not easy but i have some experience in this but do try to keep positive. Thank you for the update and I am sorry you are being pulled through the ringer on this with the recent travails of strikes etc We all really appreciate your hard work. Positivity David x

Alan Booty bought 5 coffees.
I am so sorry to hear of your news and of course wish you a full recovery. The reviews fro, spyinthestalls are always insightful and I should wish that what you have created and devleoped should continue. Wishing you the very best comfort and feeling of being supported, Alan
Hi - thanks so much for that - really appreciated. Things aren't too bad but have been waiting far longer than expected for treatment (was supposed to be six week wait which is now almost three months) so everything has been quite stressful. Hoping to have a definite date soon (fingers crossed no more strikes). Thanks again

Konrad bought 3 coffees.