This monthly contribution to my work not only encourages me to continue what I'm doing with the podcast and my writing, but it also helps me know there are others that value it. And the knock-on effect is that it also helps others feel less alone in their grief.
Support me on a monthly basis
The knowledge that I will be doing a small dance of joy and thanks
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I love The Silent Why
Supporting me monthly encourages me to continue the podcast and writing work I'm doing. It helps me know there is value in this work and that other people are benefitting from it. Plus I'll be able to afford to buy the odd fancy Earl Grey ;)
Support me on a monthly basis
Shout out on our support page on the website
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I can't get enough of The Silent Why
Supporting me like this enables me to make this work a viable job option for me. It allows me to continue doing what I love (while drinking a fancy tea) - helping people know there is always hope to be found through loss and grief.
20% off your next Herman purchase
Shout out on our support page on the website
Shout out on My Why podcast episode
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I'm obsessed with The Silent Why
This is a serious investment in the future of the podcast and my writing. It enables me to make this work a viable job option and allows me to continue doing what I love - helping people know there is always hope to be found, while on a mission to make sure no one feels alone while grieving.
25% off your next Herman purchase
Shout out on our support page on the website
Shout out on The Silent Why Podcast
Choose a blog topic/film review for The Silent Why blog/My Why episode
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I'm more obsessed with The Silent Why
This is a really serious investment in the future of the podcast and my writing. It enables me to make this work a viable job option and allows me to continue doing what I love - helping people know there is always hope to be found, while on a mission to make sure no one feels alone while grieving.
40% off your next Herman purchase
Shout out on our support page on the website
Shout out on The Silent Why Podcast
Choose a blog topic/film review for The Silent Why blog/My Why episode
Share something with our listeners (send audio or written message)
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I pledge allegiance to The Silent Why
This very serious investment in my work can enable the podcast and my writing to become a career for me. It also guarantees people will find hope in their loss and grief, and takes my mission very seriously to make sure no one feels alone while grieving.
Free Herman sent to you or someone of your choosing
Zoom coffee & chat with Claire
Feature post on our support page on the website
Shout out on The Silent Why Podcast
Choose a blog topic for The Silent Why blog/My Why episode
Written or audio interview with you (named or anonymous) about anything you think our listeners would want to hear about