What is the Jordan Pass and How to Use I ...

What is the Jordan Pass and How to Use It?

Mar 13, 2023

image The Jordan Pass was tailor-made for visitors to see the Kingdom of Jordan. It allows pass holders the ability to visit sites and attractions while saving time and money.

Tips about the Jordan Pass.

If you are looking to visit several attractions and save money while doing it, then the Jordan pass might be for you. Most attractions included in the Jordan Pass are open year-round, but to be sure, check the hours and dates. You are responsible for your own transportation, food, and accommodations.

#1: What is the benefit of the Jordan Pass? It waives the tourist entry visa fee of 40 JD, which is $56.32 USD, if you purchase the pass before arrival to Jordan and stay a minimum of 3 nights and 4 days. Note that it only waives the single-entry visa and not the multiple-entry visa.

#2: How does it work? When you purchase the Jordan pass, an email with a pdf version will be sent. It may be best to print it out so that the QR code can be scanned. You will need to show your pass and passport/ID to all the touristic sites, visa office, etc.

#3: Categories. There are three categories: Jordan Wanderer, Jordan Explorer, and Jordan Expert. The only difference between them is the number of days you want to spend in Petra. Repeat entries are not allowed unless you are going to Petra. If you purchase the Jordan Explorer or Jordan Expert pass, you can make consecutive visits.




#4: Are children free? Yes, if they are 12 and under. They will fall under the parent.

#5: Can you upgrade? No, you are unable to upgrade or downgrade the pass.

#6: Does the Jordan pass expire? It is valid for 12 months following the date of purchase. It will automatically expire after two weeks once it is scanned at the first tourist site.

#7: What attractions are included? The Jordan Pass can be used at over 40 attractions. Petra, Jerash, Wadi Rum, the Amman Citadel, and the Aqaba Museum, just to name a few.

I purchased the pass before coming to Jordan, and it was worth it. All attractions are not included in the pass, like Bethany and Beyond the Jordan, Mount Nebo, and Lot's Cave. The process was easy, and I used the printed PDF that was emailed to me to enter the country, visit sites, and exit the country.

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