Embracing Your Monthly Flow: A Spiritual ...

Embracing Your Monthly Flow: A Spiritual Journey Through the Menstrual Cycle

Jul 04, 2022

Think of all the things that you have been told regarding your period, especially in Western Society. They projected shame, disgust, and convinced us that one should still be working and doing strenuous activities.

In reality, what you are going through is a beautiful shedding period, where your body automatically purges toxins.

What Western society has been teaching you in a spiritual sense is 'resistance.' Every period you have learned to dread the process because it interferes with your day to day, however, have you ever considered that your day to day life is actually what interferes with your body?

We aren't meant to push ourselves to or beyond our breaking point. When you resent your period and fight your body, you cramp more and are more uncomfortable. Instead, allow yourself the space to nurture your body with deep breaths, when you experience a cramp(s) take deep breaths. By breathing, you are in a state of accepting, thus allowing the energy to move through you. When you practice breathing during each cramp, you are in a state of non-resistance, thus you are aligning yourself with your body. This method holds true even in the contractions in labor. When you breath through pain you are no longer resisting the pain, you are allowing it to flow through you.

As a feminine, you must know that trapped energy will usually attempt to exit during your period. Your body is a beautiful creation, learning to flow with your body will bring you more happiness.

Understand that every month your body follows a cycle:

Days 1-5 : Menstruation (listen to your body during this time, rest, practice period yoga, journal and release)

Days 5-13 : Follicular Phase (take advantage of this energy boost by focusing on your goals you'd like to achieve)

Day 14-16: Ovulation (estrogen and testosterone levels rise, which may lead to a change in our appetite levels, choose fresh foods as well as protein rich foods)

Days 17-28: Luteal and premenstrual phase (You may feel sluggish and hungrier, practice being gentle with yourself take baths, get a tarot reading to reveal hidden truths and start drinking hibiscus tea during this week.) *purchase a spiritual bath kit here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/946575713/spiritual-healing-bath-salt-ritual-detox?clickkey=63db7129b616944914930445bd959d14997b5809%3A946575713&clicksum=c51df949&ref=shophomeactive_1&pro=1&frs=1

Keep you in mind during your period and feed yourself good energy through what you hear, speak, think, eat and drink.

Create a period feel good system, some recommendations are:

Tea recommendations:

  • Yarow (natural remedy to treat abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, severe cramping, inflammation of the ovaries, uterine congestion and pelvic pain) 

  • Red Hibiscus (regulate the menstrual cycle and help alleviate cramps, PMS, and mood disturbances.)

  • Raspberry Leaf tea (contains fragrine, which helps tone the uterus and helps the blood flow smoothly and reduces cramps - preventing difficult periods.)


  • Strawberries (contains antioxidants, polyphenols, manganese and potassium, which are very important for uplifting your mood and normal functioning of your brain)

  • Watermelon (helps significantly a week before if you are prone to bloat)

  • Cherries (are anti-inflammatory, therefore offer effective relief from muscular pains)

  • Raspberries (high in magnesium; a miracle mineral that acts as a muscle relaxant, helping reduce the symptoms of PMS and abdominal period pain)

  • Dragon Fruit (helps balance low iron levels that can occur during periods)

  • Papaya (helpful to ease menstrual pain and regulate flow)


  • Amethyst - is great for self love

  • rose quartz - Relieves stress and calms the body, naturally raising low energy levels 

  • tree agate- It will give you the stamina to handle everything that you’re supposed to do and everything that’s expected of you. It will also give you a sense of your own power.

  • black tourmaline- if you're being negative, this crystal absorbs it

If you do have to work and do strenuous activities during your period:

  • Make sure you are focused on your breathing

  • make sure you stay away from tampons and pads with chemicals

  • drink hibiscus and yarrow tea throughout your day

  • you can put your crystals in your pocket, panties or close to your womb.

  • Try your best to limit negative news, music or gossip during this time.

  • Play hz frequencies and positive affirmations such as Toni Jones

  • Cleanse at the end of your day energetically. *purchase an all-purpose ritual soap here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/920087761/wicca-manifestation-ritual-soap-multi?clickkey=9cb07faac624528a84e36e7d3d506e470dc4121d%3A920087761&clicksum=d79f804b&ref=shophomeactive_4&pro=1&frs=1

Aggression on our periods means lack of boundaries. The anger we feel is due to us internalizing how people make us feel when we do not value ourselves properly. Also be mindful of your sexual partners... we can absorb and take on the energies of our partners. They can put sadness, insecurity, anger etc into our wombs.

Realize that your cycle is a spiritual experience.... don't forget to talk to your womb, journal and listen to what your body has to say. The purpose is also to teach us to be in flow with our bodies because Western society programs us to ignore our pain and what we are going through when the whole time our body is giving us insight and talking to us. In contrast, our cycle slows us down and it helps us to reconnect with ourselves.

Try to be in flow with the Universe and feel the universe through your body.

Book your 3 card tarot feminine goddess feminine energy reading: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1057259104/3-card-tarot-feminine-goddess-feminine?clickkey=790c6729916ffaa31e192d84f85a4c42cf9b71d3%3A1057259104&clicksum=de736b68&ref=shophomeactive_4

Keywords: Menstrual Cycle Wisdom, Embracing the Spiritual Essence of Your Period, Breaking Free from Western Societal Norms, Flowing with Your Body's Beautiful Cycle, Aligning with Your Feminine Energy, Nurturing Your Body with Breath and Acceptance, Understanding Your Monthly Cycle Phases, Period Feel-Good System Recommendations, Holistic Approaches to Work during Your Period, Connecting Spiritually with Your Womb and Cycle

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