About The Pop Blog
Supporting indie and mainstream artists by writing about them.

Recent supporters

phrix bought 3 Pizzas.
thanks nep c! for helping local musicians like us. Keep it up! We support you.

livelymusicmanagement bought a Pizza.
Hi! I'm a big fan of your website and its design and since I know most creatives are in a tight spot I though I'd buy you a coffee!
Hello, co-creators! This February, I started a weekly blog segment/category under Music where I ask people to share their playlists (either via Spotify or Youtube). The Title is “Of Melophiles and Melomaniacs.” I let people choose a playlist (whatever music you listen to, I am open!) they want to share on my blog and readers, and answer a few questions regarding that. I’ve already started as...
Share your playlist blog collab
Feb 28, 2020